Using environmentally friendly building materials

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Currently, climate change is becoming a huge issue and it is believed that human activity is causing the planet to heat up faster than it normally would. Often people don’t even understand what they are doing to the environment. Let’s look at it this way, in the UK climate change has manifested itself with higher temperatures in the summer and flash flooding is becoming more common.

A lot of us choose not to care about the environment but it is possible for each one of us to make a different to the environment simply by just making minor changes around our homes. For example, we can start thinking about the way we use energy, the way we make energy, how we dispose our waste and how much water we really need to use.
We could also consider making some home improvements; this means that we could start using greener materials when doing something as basic as painting our living room, fixing a broken shelf or refurbishing our bedroom. Breway, would like to give you a short guide of the greener materials you can use when you decide to decorate your home.


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are added to paints in order to slow down the drying process so a smoother finish is achieved. VOCs also increase the lasting period for a product.
Paints can release low lever toxic emission into the air for years after it is applied. The source of these toxins is a variety of VOCs. Many of them are linked with numerous health problems, such as headache and asthma. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that will evaporate easily into the air usually at room temperature and often give a distinctive smell – so you can avoid this by using paint that has low VOCs.


Now, you are able to buy plaster that uses natural ingredients, this often means that the plaster would contain plant extracts, chalk, quartz and lime. Traditionally, a mix of lime and sand, horsehair or straw is used for the first coat of render – then, lime and water used for the second set coat. Natural plaster helps buildings to breathe more easily because it is made of breathable material, which absorbs moisture. They are available in different textures, therefore, it is important that you assess your building and decide which is the most useful material to use.


Using wood for your home is a beautiful way to bring the natural world inside. It is a warm material that with good craftsmanship it can add grace to your home. But the problem is that wood has been used as a material since time began, as a result almost half of the world’s original forests have been chopped down (approximately 7.4 billion acres). So we need to be more careful the kind of timber we use.

FSC Logo

When buying wood, look for products that is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, this is a international, not-for-profit organisation that were established to handle the management of the world forest. It means that wood which is stamped with FSC logo has been sustainably – managed.

Recycled or reclaimed wood

Reclaimed wood can come for a variety of sources including old barns, warehouses and turn of the century wooden buildings that have been abandoned or ready for demolition. There are many companies that specialise in salvaging all kind of wood that sell it for your own goods.


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